Friday, 12 November 2010

Proud Mother

I thought I’d share this photograph with you as it’s the first thing I’ve ever, ever, ever sewn.  Well, if you don’t count any of the atrocities that I made at school – which I don’t.  Strangely, my mother still wears the butcher’s apron with the squint pocket but the blouse (I call it a blouse in the loosest sense) ...the blouse has long gone.  Hopefully, it was ceremoniously burnt given that it was the ‘80’s and I’d chosen an off the shoulder/slash neck affair and, after spending HOURS in John Lewis’s fabric department, chose tiger print fabric!!!  What on earth possessed me?!

My latest creation is practical, functional and, I think, beautiful (if you don’t look too closely at the hand stitching, that is!).  OK, OK, it’s a tea cosy but I’m a proud mother showing off her newest child, so bear with me. 

It came about because I recently bought an Emma Bridgewater teapot with some of the money that my very much missed Granddad left to me.  After looking at art and artisan furniture to buy as a keepsake, I realised that none of that would remind me of a working class, miner who lived in a council house, brought up six kids and viewed the arts with more than a little suspicion and trepidation.  So, walking past our local gift shop one Saturday, I spotted an Emma Bridgewater teapot and knew instantly that was the thing.  The kettle was ALWAYS on at Granny and Granddad’s house and he drank tea all day long - the stronger, the better. 

I decided that my very fine teapot should have an equally fine tea cosy.  Clutching a pattern from the internet I went off to IKEA, where Toots and I spent a gloriously quiet Friday morning in the fabric department (I normally only go on the weekend  - I had no idea it could be so relaxed!).    I got completely carried away with myself because I’ve even bought some fabric to make Tootsie a skirt!  (But I'll leave that for another post).

And can I say, my tea cosy keeps my lovely teapot perfectly warm – and when I use them, I always think of Granddad and smile.


  1. I love this post. I love how you decided that the keepsake should be actually linked to who your Grandad was. Well done on the cosy - gives such a cosy, family and warm image that tea cosy. Says so much in the picture and then your words too. Thanks for sharing it

  2. That's lovely, and well done on your achievement. I remember making a skirt in sewing class at school and it was hideous!! I struggle to sew a button on these days.

    CJ xx

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for your comments - I'm very pleased with it too. I haven't managed to post for a while because I'm in the middle of making Christmas presents AND a skirt for my daughter - I'm feeling slightly swamped to say the least! Will update with my progress. Best, Heather

  4. Was intrigued by the thought of your thrifty project and I shall be back to pick up some tips !
    Among other things I tend to blog about free stuff that's on - concerts, art lessons etc so we probably have a similar outlook!

  5. Thanks - all driven by a need to save cash and a desire to be a bit more friendly to the environment. Looking forward to read your blog too!
